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  1. My Business Philosophy
  2. My Values
  3. My Employable Skills
  4. What I Want To Accomplish
  5. MBA Program Reflections
  6. My Resume
  7. Jerry’s Portfolio

What I Most Want You To Know About Me Is…

My Business Philosophy

My  goal and desire in life? Impact my community by serving in a team-based, results-oriented organization.   I want to be remembered as someone who made my little corner of the world a better place and treated people well along the way.  Now in my fifties I’m aware that I have limited time and opportunities and so I am committed to working with people who want to achieve worthwhile goals.  That’s why I gave up a comfortable career and have sought new training and opportunities.   I am passionate about using all my skills, experience and energy to empower others and achieve change.

“Impact my community by serving in a team-based, results-oriented organization.”


My Values


Photo Credit: latestthoughts via Compfight cc

Dignity Of Each One

Each person has gifts and strengths. Every person I work with or work for has value. They deserve my respect and my very best efforts. In particular, I value each person’s story–their experiences, successes and even their scars. I want every person to know I am “for” them–through my words and actions.


Power Of Team

Photo Credit: andyrose75 via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: andyrose75 via Compfight cc

Individuals have gifts, but a team multiplies their impact. A leader may be the most skillful, inspiring, or influential individual, but it is the team, the army, the movement that brings about the success. I have learned the truth that “talent is never enough.” It takes a team to achieve a great goal, and I am committed to finding the best people I can work with and then resourcing them, serving them, and accomplishing with them the great changes we can achieve.





Training is indispensable

Running the 2013 Chicago Marathon after two years of weight loss (75 lbs) and training.

Running the 2013 Chicago Marathon
after weight loss and training.

The most talented people– athletes, musicians, pilots and physicians–do not merely rely on their talents for success. They train to sharpen their skills. It is even more vital for teams to train so that their coordination and accomplishments can reach the highest level.  Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary results when they are valued enough that training is given.  No one can just “try hard” and run a marathon. Yet almost any healthy adult–including a fifty-year-old with a torn ACL like me–can run 26.2 miles with the proper training and coaching.  I am convinced that any group can improve their results with training and I am committed to helping to train people to accomplish higher, greater, more impactful results toward worthwhile goals.

Evaluate To Improve

Facing the truth, measuring performance, tweaking the processes. These are the essential steps of moving from good to great. No matter the setting–hospital, high school, or a center for Houston’s underserved teens–if the goal is worthy, then it is worth it to examine how we can improve. I seek feedback so that I can be the best leader or team member possible.  I also respectfully offer constructive feedback when it is asked for.   I know a trained up team committed to improving is capable of making a great impact on whatever goal we pursue!

Communicate Honestly

Whether it is listening or speaking, if you are not honest you have no integrity.  This is foundational for all of my values; without open, honest communication the other values count for almost nothing.   For me, such communication starts with three questions:

  1. Why do I want the other(s) to know?
  2. What do you them to feel (during and after we have communicated)?
  3. What do I want someone to do?

Whether it is spoken, written, visual, or technological ways of communicating, I value honest sharing to help a team or organization be effective and successful.

My Employable Skills

Hummer 2 Crashes through water - H2 Whoa!

Marketing Concept Pitch Hummer H2

  1. Creativity
  2. Marketing mindset
  3. Communication skills (see portfolio for examples)
    a. Brings Clarity
    b. Toward change
    c. Listens as well as speaks
    d. Skilled in many communication media and production
  4. Encouraging problem-solver
  5. Experienced trainer and developer of training
  6. Servant Leadership attitude and actions

“Such a lofty goal requires teamwork, training, target clarity, and timely execution.”

What I Want To Accomplish (where I see myself in five years)

What I want to accomplish–whether it is healthcare, education, or the non-profit sector–is improve my community by serving others well.  Such a lofty goal requires teamwork, training, target clarity, and timely execution.  Those are more than just phrases to me.  I use those as tools to evaluate my own work and that of teams that I am a part of.  I am ready to team up, work hard, make progress in whatever role I am asked to take.

Contact me by phone at 832-576-6716, through social media links below,

or click my picture to email me.email-Jerry-pic-150px

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