Reading this book and completing the reflection exercise based on it, was the most impactful thing to date in my MBA program. Here’s why.
This page contains portfolio items for Jerry McNamara.
For more information call Jerry at 832-576-6716 or email him. Click for Reflections on recent MBA coursework, or learn more About Jerry.

Go! Life Infomercial Podcast
SUMMARY: MGMT 5133 Infomercial effort of our virtual team. Package four odd products & services and sell a credible way within a five minute radio-style infomercial.

Marketing Concept – Hummer H2
My creativity helps a company express the emotional and informational concepts about their products or services. This is a concept for a marketing campaign for the Hummer H2.

Podcast Work
Fishers has been sending an iTunes-compatible podcast out since 2010 using our WordPress website and easily accessible editing tools.

Here are five samples of presentations I have created, and showing ways I have distributed them.

Press Release Sample
Here is a press release created to share about a community engagement effort at a local Lutheran Church.

Video-Capital Campaign
I wrote, directed and produced this Capital Campaign video. I worked extensively with a videographer to edit and tell the story of Good Shepherd; inviting members to engage in writing a bright, future chapter.

Video-Teaching By Jerry McNamara
In 2012 I created a teaching series that involved four additional video teachings (three segments per lesson) for small groups to go deeper into the same focus as weekly sermons. Here’s one of the twelve videos as a sample.

Website Design-Fishers Of Men Lutheran Church
I designed this html5 responsive website for my current church; transferring content, birthing an iTunes-compatible podcast, empowering staff and leaders to post and update their own content, yet maintaining uniform quality.

Website Design-Joyful Noise Music Studio
I designed this website for my wife’s piano lesson business; setting her up with a quality site that has a mobile option, Google Maps integration, and is very SEO-friendly.